Edition 10 (214) October 2016


Future perfect?

If you could travel in time, which would you choose? The great unknown that is the future – or perhaps you would prefer to find out what it was like to live two hundred or maybe a thousand years ago?

Ewa Andrzejewska
Retail & leisure

Mall deal on the cards

Meyer Bergman currently has three assets in Central and Eastern Europe. Are you planning any new acquisitions in the region in the near future?

Interviewer: Adam Zdrodowski
Stock market report

Back to stagnation

After a good July and a first half of August that was alright, the end of the summer holidays brought with it a deterioration in the mood on the WSE. On the one hand, the global economic data did little to lift spirits; while on the other, the end of (the parliamentary) break meant that politics will once again have an impact on investors’ behaviour in Poland. However, at the moment investors have their favourites – and these include developers


Griffin sharpens its claws

Ten years on from its establishment, Griffin Real Estate is one of the largest investors on the Polish real estate market. Is its dynamic growth set to continue? How will it operate in the future? Are share issues planned in new markets? We discuss all this and more with Przemysław Krych, the founder and CEO of Griffin Real Estate and the managing partner of Cornerstone Partners

Ewa Andrzejewska, Tomasz Szpyt

CEE still awash with capital

With the Expo Real international trade fair for real estate and investment ABOUT to take place in Munich, we took a look at the performance of our local investment markets so far this year and asked the experts about what might lie ahead

Adam Zdrodowski
Investment & finance

Recycled business

Nobody wants to talk about unsuccessful projects – even creditors tend towards the taciturn when the subject is raised. However, the trade in distressed assets secured by mortgages has never been healthier. What is needed, however, is a change in approach and a more professional attitude

Tomasz Szpyt
Office & mixed-use development

The whole world in an app

The developers and owners of office buildings are increasingly utilising smart-phone apps to support their tenant service and their work, including the guest service. These apps may also help to attract potential tenants

Anna Pakulniewicz
Office & mixed-use development

The odd 10 pct

Once standard practice, BUT nowadays, a rather peculiar idea. Most market representatives would say that once an office building is ready, sell THE WHOLE THING and then forget about it as quickly as possible. At least that’s what MOST of them do. However, there are still developers brave enough to face the challenge of making a profit from selling individual offices within a building

Anna Pakulniewicz

The architects of things to come

It was not only public utility buildings but also commercial ones that were honoured at the first architectural competition organised by Eurobuild Conferences, part of the Eurobuild group, under the auspices of the Association of Polish Architects

Rafał Ostrowski

Passerinvest passes the rest

The charity real estate beach volleyball tournament organised by JLL in Prague took place for the second time on September 1st. And the winner was the same this time round – with Passerinvest coming out on top once again, against 24 teams


Running and helping

ALMOST 17,000 and over PLN 1.1 mln: these are the two key numbers from the Poland Business Run, a charity event held in the form of a relay race. Teams made up of people from the real estate SECTOR also took part – and this year in great numbers


Going up in the world

Everyone knows that there is something extremely phallic about tall buildings. Just like owning the latest sports car, it appears to be a question of “maybe I might not be all there in the underpant department, but no one can question my virility when I’ve got myself a Chrysler building.” Moreover, if we are to believe biblical sources, man has been trying to impress the ladies in this manner for thousands of years, or at least since the time of the tower of Babel.

Alex Hayes


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