Passerinvest passes the rest

The charity real estate beach volleyball tournament organised by JLL in Prague took place for the second time on September 1st. And the winner was the same this time round – with Passerinvest coming out on top once again, against 24 teams
During the tournament almost CZK 511,000 (app. PLN 81,000) was raised, twice as much as last year. The entire sum raised from the charity event was split between two non-profit organisations: Slunce pro všechny and The Charitable Fund Nadační fond pro předčasně narozené děti a jejichrodiny, both of which support children and adults in difficult situations. On the day it was the team put up by developer and investor Passerinvest that won out, beating HB Reavis in a tough and balanced final match. Both teams had met in the final a year earlier, when it was also the yellow and orange shirts of Passerinvest that prevailed. The third place on the podium went to the team of CPI Group, which defeated tournament organisers, JLL, in the match for the bronze medal. The contest, on the sandy banks of the Vltava river, was attended by teams representing such companies as Erste Group Immorent, White & Case, Klépierre, P3, Penta, Crestyl, Panattoni Europe, Sentie
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