The REIT way forward

There is more uncertainty in the commercial property investment market in Poland, but the country remains an attractive destination for international real estate investors. Hadley Dean, the CEO of Warsaw-based real estate investment trust Echo Polska Properties (EPP), tells us about its acquisition plans in the near future
Adam Zdrodowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: One of the strategic goals of EPP is to further extend its existing real estate portfolio. Can we expect any new purchases later this year? Hadley Dean, CEO of EPP: For sure, absolutely. Life would be boring if we just stood still. We have just bought 70 pct stakes in a centrally located Warsaw property of 6.5 ha together with Echo Investment buying the remaining 30 pct of the shares. This was the deal closed with Griffin Real Estate as the seller. We are growing, primarily in retail – our aim is to become the dominant landlord in Poland. App. 70 pct of our portfolio is retail and we want to grow further in retail as well as in offices. Our message here is very consistent. Is EPP, which is owned by Polish developer Echo Investment and South African real estate investment trust Redefine Properties, mostly going to buy projects developed by the former entity? We have just bought four office buildings from Echo Investment, includin
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