Not so scary this winter

Despite the glut of new supply on the office market and the growth in vacancy, business is still chugging along and there is reason for optimism – or so the prevailing view seemed to be at the 7th Office Market for Poland conference organised by ‘Eurobuild CEE’
More than 200 people arrived at the Hotel Marriott in Warsaw on October 12th to hear the discussions, analyses and market insights of developers, investors and real estate specialists. “Last year we said, using the Game of Thrones catchphrase, that winter was coming to the office sector in Warsaw. CBRE was one of the first agencies to announce that vacancy in Warsaw in 2016 would reach 19 pct under the most optimistic scenario and 22 pct under the pessimistic scenario. Now our panellists will tell us how things in fact turned out,” began Ewa Andrzejewska, the editor-in-chief of ‘Eurobuild CEE’, in her introduction to the first discussion. During this panel, Magdalena Kowalewska, the operations country manager of Immofinanz, in reference to her remarks said that since winter is already here everybody should move quicker and work more effectively. The market keeps changing and developers need to adapt. “Today it is no longer a question of location, locatio
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