Change: one of three things that never does

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes – or so Benjamin Franklin once apparently said. I would add a third item to this list: change. Nothing stays the same forever, whether we are talking about our private lives or business.
At Eurobuild’s Annual Commercial Property Conference at the end of November, I discussed (oh, all right, I gossiped) with an old acquaintance of mine about a mutual friend. She said: you know, I think he’s changed recently. Indeed, but we’ve ALL changed, because each one of us is constantly being affected by everyone we meet, everything that happens to us and everything new we learn. Change was a subject that came up during one of the discussion panels at the conference. In answer to the question, “What worries you most about 2017?”, the panellists unanimously agreed on “unexpected changes”... but in this case they actually meant changes to the law. However much you might enjoy the occasional surprise, in business they are not so welcome. But at the same time, if you are the quickest off the mark at adjusting to changes on the market you can emerge out of the whole process of change as a winner. One such person is Paul Gheysens, the founder of
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