What a wonderful world

On a Thursday evening a month before Christmas, the world of Polish real estate came together to wish Triuva happy birthday on the 10th anniversary of its operations in Poland
“I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom, for me and you,” were the first words sung by the band led by Krzysztof Kiljański at the party to celebrate Triuva’s tenth anniversary in Poland. And indeed it did seem like a wonderful world, with the great and the good of Poland’s real estate market in high spirits due to the currently booming market across the entire CEE region. The event itself, which took place on November 17th, was held in what can only be described as a most remarkable location, underneath the Royal Palace in Warsaw’s picturesque Old Town. And not just that, but under the vaulted ceilings of the arcades designed by Jakub Kubicki. This seemed a most fitting venue for a company that values buildings of historic value, owning properties such as Le Palais on ul. Próżna in its portfolio. After the band stopped playing, TV presenter Agata Konarska and Jacek Brzozowski, the director of the Polish branch of Triuva, took to the stage
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