Wojciech Zoń, director of the warehouse department, Savills: Our team has expanded gradually, but it is true, the core of the department consists of five experienced people who earlier worked together for JLL. At the end of 2016, the first few people to join the newly-created of warehouse and industrial team were: Kamil Szymański as an associate director, Karolina Klepka as a consultant and Anna Bevanda as an assistant of the department. Since the New Year we have started operations as a full team: Michał Śniadała joined as an associate director and Daniel Kempa became a senior consultant. I have the pleasure of managing the entire team, which currently includes six people and provides comprehensive services for the warehouse market across the entire country.
Comprehensive, what does that mean?
Our services include consultancy for the process of leasing warehouse and industrial space and agency in the sale of investment assets and plots. Furthermore, we offer the preparation of