
Have you ever wondered why men often look so… unfocused when you see them shopping in large stores? I mean, literally out-of-focus, as though their silhouettes were blurred?
The answer is very simple: they are simply moving very quickly. Their goal is to take a deep breath, run into the sales hall, grab a product (two at the most) that vaguely resembles what they want, rush through the purchase point (a self-service one is best) and then through the exit, panting and goggle-eyed as they try to catch their breath. This happens all the time. Regardless of what the man wants to buy: a carton of milk, a pair of socks or a heart pacemaker. In the evening I often drive to a nearby supermarket with my wife to do what is known as quick shopping. And, as everyone knows, quick shopping is a job for a real man. We have this competition: my wife makes herself comfortable on the passenger seat, she chooses a song from our car’s audio selection, puts it on, and I have to return to the car with full bags before the song ends. If I make it, I can drink what I’ve bought. If I fail, then you-know-who is going to drink it... and with that kind of incentive, I ha
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