Two worlds colliding?

I am curious to know if you agree with what I’m about to say. Each advisor in any business line needs to earn their living.
The current market insights available from them have a tangible value, which it is possible to estimate. And this knowledge is not the sort of thing that can be obtained just by browsing the web. This is the view of Piotr Kaszyński, who has announced the entry of US consultancy Cresa into the Polish market. The company exclusively represents tenants – and a topic we also explore on the pages of this issue is that more and more tenants in the retail sector are having to intensify their online presence in order to maintain their sales margins. As the new fashion season begins, we investigate whether it is worth combining these two worlds: the virtual and the tangible, in the form of omnichannel stores in shopping centres. We take a look at the advantages of click & collect services in our article entitled ‘Click bait for buyers’. The online fashion world also has its mundane, real-world aspect – all the clothes, footwear, household appliances and audio &
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