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Investment & finance
Futureal’s residential subsidiary Cordia is already number one in Hungary but has much bigger ambitions, reveals CEO Gábor Futó
Alex Hayes, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: I’ve heard rumours that you’re planning to list on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Gábor Futó, CEO and co-founder of Futureal Group: It’s one of the options, but I’d rather explain where we are with the various strategies of the company. Are we talking about Cordia or Futureal? At the moment at Futureal Group we have 350 people in the development team across three Central European countries including Hungary, Poland and Romania, not counting our smaller operations in Germany and the US. The group’s residential business is run under the separate brand name of Cordia. It is Hungary’s leading residential property developer and our target is to become the leading regional residential developer. At the moment we have a presence in Warsaw, Kraków and Gdańsk as well as in Bucharest. In Budapest, Futureal Group has been a market leader for over a decade. But we believe that in both Poland and Romania the g
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