In perfect co-working order

With Warsaw now one of the fastest growing co-working hubs, the CEE region is very much in the forefront of global office trends.The world’s largest brands as well as developers in this niche are all becoming aware of the excellent business opportunities here.
According to Savills’ latest report on flexible offices, ‘Workspace as a service – trend or necessity?’, Warsaw is one of the four hottest co-working locations in Europe. In the five quarters covered by the survey (Q1 2017 to Q1 2018 inclusive) as much as 6 pct of the area rented by co-working operators in Europe is located in Poland’s capital city. Although still behind London, with 26 pct of the European market, Paris (15 pct) and Berlin (10 pct), Warsaw’s fourth position in terms of co-working activity undoubtedly places it among the European leaders. Almost 30,000 sqm was leased in Warsaw for co-working in Q1 this year, which is more or less the same as for the whole of 2017. A lack of flexibility is the worst thing for a corporation”, claims Eyal Litwin of Adgar Poland And the expansion of international chains into our region is starting from Warsaw – last year, Israeli operator Mindspace and this year German company Rent24 opene
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