On curiosity and doubt

Curiosity and doubt are, in my opinion, the driving forces that determine how we develop. And they distinguish good from average journalism
I was inclined to write this piece by the events that surrounded the recent sale of a well-known shopping centre. Information about the transaction popped up in our editorial e-mail box. It was almost entirely content-free – virtually no details were provided and the identity of the buyer was not disclosed, nor was the value of the deal. Basically, this gave me nothing to write about. But this kind of situation actually represents something of a irresistible challenge for a journalist – so many things to check, so much to uncover! Contacting the representatives of companies involved in the transaction did not have the desired effect – they remained tight-lipped, hiding behind the terms of a contract that prohibited them from revealing any further details. With the official path thus blocked, none of the secrets behind this mysterious transaction had had any light shed on them. It was therefore necessary to turn to our contacts on the market to find out more. This res
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