Well, I’d still bestow this dubious honour on November (and maybe even throw in the end of October). Why? You only need to look out of the window for the answer. After a few weeks of being spoilt by an Indian Summer, we have been dragged back into a much greyer reality – as the days shorten, our golden autumn has been turned into one filled with gales and driving rain. How are we supposed to get through all this dreariness? It’s a well-known fact that the best antidote for the late autumn blues is... shopping! Recently I was faced with a three-horned dilemma: Whether to sit in front of my computer. Or lie on the couch with my phone in one hand and a glass of mulled wine in the other. Or to banish the early evening gloom from my mind by popping into the local shopping centre, filled, as it is, with light and bright colours. What did I choose? At this point I remember a situation when a colleague was asked at a particular ceremony: what are you drinking, white or red wi