Viva, Vivo!

Eurobuild Awards
In 2018 the Vivo! Piła mall was revealed at the Eurobuild Awards to be the best of all the shopping centres in the opinion of their own tenants. Millward Brown surveyed retailers in 27 malls across the country
The survey took two months to conduct but in the end the winner turned out to be Vivo! in Piła with an average score of 4.74. Second place went to Galeria Sfera in Bielsko-Biała and third, to Galeria Pestka in Poznań. The retail centres were rated by their tenants on a scale of -5 to 5 in a number of categories including location, rents/costs/fees, marketing and PR, tenant mix, management activity, the building (aesthetics and architecture) and signage. “We are honoured to have received this unique prize, because the distinction was awarded to us by our own tenants, with whom we in fact have co-created the Vivo! Piła shopping centre! Our main goal is to make our shopping centres as attractive as possible for our tenants and their clients, as well as to keep our tenant mix in line with the current trends on the market,” says Magdalena Kowalewska, the country manager for operations in Poland at Immofinanz. Tenants’ assessment What turned out to be of greatest impo
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