Cannes you dig it? Yes we can!

The sun helped to entice the investors to come to Cannes in March, while their interest was attracted to Poland like a magnet
This year, when the real estate world met up once again on the Côte d'Azur, probably no one walked away disappointed (except for maybe those who were unable to land at Nice airport due to the strong winds). Almost 27,000 people came to the fair in Cannes, which was significantly more than the previous year. “This year’s MIPIM fair gives us a lot of optimism for the future of the market. One interesting trend that is really good for us is the interest that is clearly growing in the Central and Eastern European region – and especially in Poland – among both those investors that are already here and those who are thinking about entering the region. Another interesting trend is the growing importance of regional cities and alternative asset classes,” commented Piotr Krawczyński, the head of CEE capital markets at BNP Paribas Real Estate. Hanna Zdanowska, the mayor of Łódź, also agreed, and for her one of the biggest surprises of the year had been the
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