Jogging our memories

What do the main topics of our September issue – the latest lighting systems in cities, how the Sunday trade ban is bleeding the retail sector dry, and the tenth anniversary of those real estate oscars the Eurobuild Awards – have in common?
It’s maybe difficult for you to guess because, although the answer is obvious to me, it might seem absurd to you: running! Let me explain. I started working on the editorial for this issue as I was on one of my evening runs, when, because of the merciless heat, I ended up walking through the park. It was completely dark, as the lamp-posts there have been redundant for some time. I thought to myself: oh, they could use the ones we write about in this month’s ‘Lighting the Way to Tomorrow’ article. And as I was running on a Sunday, and because such long training sessions require a lot of time, the retail ban has actually come in handy for me. Apologies for being so sarcastic, but I like to have freedom of choice and make my own decisions: whether to go running or shopping. And you can find out how the government’s decision to gradually introduce the Sunday trading ban has impacted the retail sector in the article ‘Shopping for Cooked Frogs’. And
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