Shopping for cooked frogs

Retail & leisure
The gloomiest predictions for the Sunday trading ban were that it would be apocalyptic for the shopping centre sector in Poland. more than 18 months since its gradual introduction began, the market is still alive, but the tightening restrictions are now having a deeper impact. However, managers have not thrown in the towel and have been engaging in a fierce battle for customers, as 2020 and the imposition of the total ban looms
There has been only one trading Sunday each month in Poland since the beginning of this year. In that short time, the impact has been significant on both the shopping centre sector and their customers. The Retail Institute and more than 120 Polish shopping centres have been carrying out footfall and turnover studies since September 2016. The Institute has also specifically analysed the results of shopping centres and chains in Q1 2019, focusing mostly on the revenues of fashion retailers, who make up more than half of the leasable space of ​​shopping centres in Poland. While the tenants of large shopping centres recorded an average 1.8 pct increase in turnover in the period compared to Q1 2018, the tenants of medium- and smaller shopping centres have had to contend with declining sales. For medium-sized centres the decrease amounted to 1.6 pct, while small centres suffered an average turnover decrease of 7.4 pct. “Large and very large centres with more than 40,000 sqm of leas
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