Multi-task manager to the rescue!

Property & asset management
As the Sunday trading ban moves towards becoming total, and as organisational changes take place in shopping centres and the costs rise for maintaining them, having an effective shopping centre manager has become even more indispensible – not only for the smooth functioning of the centre, but also for looking after its value.
Although retail chains may insist that the shortening of the shopping week has not had a negative impact on the sales results of shopping centres and individual tenants, and that footfall has actually increased regularly in spite of it, the reason most often given for such a happy state of affairs is the health of the economy rather than ʻanything property managers have contributed. Au contraire… On the front line “It’s the managers of shopping centres that have been focusing on tenants’ issues with the Sunday trading ban as they increasingly demand reductions in the rent or service charges due to the lower revenues from the shortening of the working week,” points out Ewa Szafrańska, the director of asset and property management at Cream. To make matters worse, such requests to reduce fees have often been made in the middle of the budget year, when the shopping centre’s financial plans have already been approved by the banks and their owners, so
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