The eyes and boots of the investor

Warsaw Property Partners (WPP), formerly WX Management Services, offers full investment cycle real estate investment management services, including project sourcing, planning process, design, management and asset management of operating properties, up to the sale itself. Is there much demand for this sort of very comprehensive service?
Jacek Wachowicz, co-owner, Warsaw Property Partners: From my experience of working for real estate funds and private equity investors in the past, investors don’t necessarily need to have their own operations in every specific market they invest in and instead they like to work with a local operating partner. It’s basically a local partner who takes care of your investment from start to finish. This would usually be a value-add type of investment, such as, for example, where the investment encompasses the change of use of a building or the major redevelopment of an existing building. In some cases, it could well be value-add asset management services for standing investments, where the value can be enhanced through leasing management, marketing management, or deploying some capex without any major redevelopment. Thus the scope of work can be either as wide as you alluded to, including the concept design, acquisition, underwriting, due diligence, and then the actual construc
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