Managing the managers

Investment & finance
Many people were surprised when JLL announced last summer that they were pulling out of property management in Europe and selling up their operations to Dutch property manager MVGM. We talked to Maarten de Haas, the chief commercial officer Europe of MVGM International, and Virginie de Baere, the managing director for Poland, to find out exactly who they are and what they are planning for Poland
Alex Hayes, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: Can you tell me a little of the history MVGM? Maarten de Haas, chief commercial officer for Europe, MVGM International: MVGM was established in 1956, which was the time property management first began to appear on the market. We expanded for a few decades and then also around the beginning of the 21st century, when there was a lot of outsourcing going on. At that time we were still part of a Dutch insurance company called Aegon. The insurance business and the property management business were separated in 2007 with a management buyout and that was really the beginning of MVGM focusing on property management. Since then – a good 12–13 years ago – we’ve focused on increasing our service offering, delivering quality and expanding, both organically and through acquisitions. MVGM completed a number of acquisitions early on, mainly in the Netherlands, but they’ve since also taken place on the German market. And finally t
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