Over here and over there

Investment & finance
Polish residential developers are being taken over by international investors. At the same time, they are becoming increasingly active in the PRS sector and are undaunted by the prospect of starting projects abroad. They now seem to have genuinely earned the status of ‘European-standard companies’
The deluge of acquisitions of Polish developers got underway in autumn 2019. Since then, every couple of weeks the media has been alerted to the launch of some takeover bid or another of a Polish developer by an international giant. This news has mostly been imparted to us in a dry, terse form, and often came to our editorial office in a roundabout way, sometimes even by accident. Any attempt to obtain an explanation or commentary was doomed to failure, which has been justified – in the unofficial conversations we’ve been having with those involved – by the huge penalties added to contracts for confidentiality breaches. However, the more advanced these takeovers have become, the more information has seeped into the media. Secret takeovers The floodgates seemed to finally creak open with the acquisition and division of Wroclaw-based company Vantage Development – a somewhat unusual transaction, as it concerned a local developer and was also quite extensively pu
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