It’s thanks to people like him that so many developments are still more or less on schedule and that in a few months’ time the market will be able to get back to normal. Well, more or less. At least agents will have something to lease, banks will have projects to finance and investors something to buy. So the man on the cover – who’s actually called Robert – is there as our thank-you and as a mark of respect to all those working on the front line of our sector: the building site. After all, it goes without saying that putting a nurse on the front cover of our magazine would look a bit weird.
The other thing on the front cover I’d like to draw your attention to is the number of this issue: 250. We are a quarter of the way to our thousandth issue, each having been brought to you through the blood, sweat, tears and toil of not only us journalists but also of all those working in the sales and conference departments, not to mention our accountants. We had been planning to have