Well, in spring it wasn’t really possible to do so... We start the October issue of Eurobuild with our ‘Small Talk’ section, which has been gaining more and more followers. But this is just the warm-up before two more expansive interviews: firstly, Savills IM tell us all about their ambitious investment plans; and then Cresa stirs up something of a wasps’ nest by redefining the term ‘consultancy’. All of this leaves us in eager anticipation of more lively discussions of this kind in future issues. Any volunteers?
Further on in this magazine, another controversial topic is addressed, although this is one that the whole sector is actually unanimous about: repealing the Sunday trading ban! This would give some much-needed relief to shopping centres and their tenants, who are still licking their lockdown wounds. However, it seems that the intensity of all the sector’s efforts in this regard is growing inversely to that of the government, which see