Never in a month of Sundays

Retail & leisure
Shoppers have already had to swallow the bitter pill of the Sunday retail ban, but those in the sector are continuing to use every means at their disposal to urge a return to how things used to be, after The lockdown resulted in huge losses. But is there even a realistic chance that Sunday trading will ever be reinstated?
As Justyna Kur, the deputy CEO and real estate director at Apsys (pictured left) recalls, over the last few months the situation has been rather exceptional, as everyone has been trying to get back to the kind of results they had before the lockdown. “In these circumstances, the Sunday trading ban has been having a significant impact on the health of the retail sector. The losses resulting from the Sunday trading restrictions since the beginning of the ban have not been made up for by the increased footfall and turnover over the rest of the week,” she says. Contrary to the claims of the legislators of the act, under the present circumstances, Sunday shopping has not been shifted out onto Fridays and Saturdays, and the food & beverage as well as the entertainment sectors have been hardest hit. “People mainly visit restaurants in shopping centres when they are doing their shopping, so tenants from this sector are in practice unable to make up for their lost trade on
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