No going back to GetBack

The most significant overhaul of Polish commercial law will soon take place, with the aim of giving international business a greater incentive to invest in Poland
Reforms to Poland’s Kodeks Spółek Handlowych [KSH – the Commercial Companies Code] have recently been tabled by the corporate supervision commission of the Ministry of State Assets. They were made available for public consultation between August 5th and September 19th, following which the bill is to receive the approval of the council of ministers in the autumn before being put before the Sejm – the Polish senate. “The bill should completely resolve the current issues with the commercial law. Its purpose is to create a secure, modern legal framework, which will allow decisions to be made in line with the common strategy pursued by several companies from the same commercial group. We are also strengthening the position of companies’ supervisory boards and regulating the disclosure of information – in the light of recent scandals such as the GetBack affair, where the supervisory board claimed it had had no knowledge of certain events,” claims
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