A good start for the sector

Stock market report
In the first weeks of 2021, the Warsaw sector indices – the WIG Bud and WIG – both rose. Real estate prices actually went up by 8 pct, significantly higher than the WIG index. Cautious optimism reigns on the stock markets across the world, since everyone is hoping that the economic activity last seen before the outbreak of the pandemic is set to make a return in the second half of 2021
Since the beginning of the year the global stock exchanges have been buoyed by the more optimistic mood generated by the acceleration of vaccination programmes, fuelling the hope that economies will themselves will eventually be able to shake off Covid-19. Even if things have to get worse before they get better, the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic should start being lifted in the second and third quarters. According to the IMF, the global economy is expected to grow by 5.5 pct this year after having contracted by 3.5 pct in 2020, thus reversing the previous projections of continued economic decline. It is also predicted that the US economy will recover more quickly – as will emerging markets. The return to normality, however, is expected to be slower for the euro zone. The one scratch on the prediction lens remains inflation – the economic bounce-back could lead to less activity from central banks (which have partly been responsible for the boom on the financial ma
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