Accentuate the positive

Small talk
Monika Rajska-Wolińska, the new CEO of Colliers in the CEE region, on the company's plans and looks back on her past achievements
What does your recent promotion mean to you? Monika Rajska-Wolińska, the new CEO of Colliers in the CEE region: It’s great recognition, but at the same time it means more engagement and involvement. I was a native Pole in a Polish business but now I am responsible for more countries with different cultures and I’m in a different real estate environment. So it’s going to be challenging, but I feel like I have a great and exciting journey ahead of me. What is your proudest career achievement to date? I think that would be building a company that has a real impact on the shape of the real estate market in Poland and that supports and educates clients on such important issues as ESG and limiting negative impacts on the environment. Above all, however, it is creating an employee-friendly organisational culture, one that supports employees on their personal growth paths, in the realisation of their passion for real estate, and to have faith in their own talent. I lik
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