Avison Young has recently introduced a property valuation service in Poland. Wouldn’t many people consider it a bit risky to expand your service lines in such uncertain times?
Michał Ćwikliński, principal, managing director, Poland, Avison Young Polska: Despite the slightly lower transaction volumes in the first half of 2021 compared to 2020, the commercial property market is in good shape and both the number of deals and the value of the transactions are close to the highest point they’ve ever been in Poland. And we at Avison Young have come out pretty much unscathed from the disruption of the pandemic. So we haven’t, for example, reduced our staffing levels – quite the opposite, in fact: in 2021 we increased the size of our team. The opening of our valuation department was due to our desire to offer our clients more consultancy services instead of just those that are transactionary, which is what our business in Poland has so far been based upon. Valuation