Life after Tesco

Retail & leisure
In October 2021, the last Tesco store in Poland closed its doors for good – after 25 years, the grocery chain had finally ended its operations in Poland. Many of its former locations have been converted by Salling Group into Netto stores, but this isn’t the only chain to move into premises vacated by the British retailer
In Q1 2021, UOKiK, the Polish competition authority, gave permission for Tesco Polska to be taken over by Salling Group, the owner of the Netto discount store chain. The reason for such an investment, according to Radosław Bartkowiak, the head of construction at Netto Polska, is of course that Netto was looking to expand: “Over the last 26 years of our operations in Poland, we’ve been growing at a steady pace. Now we have more than 400 stores. Adding Tesco’s premises allowed us to effectively extend our chain’s reach in a short time and change from being a regional to a national player. By converting Tesco’s stores, Netto is now active in locations where we previously had no presence and this allows us to fully realise the potential of our chain and also to tap into the full potential of the Polish retail market, which continues to be able to absorb newly developed retail space,” he explains. Netto ready before the end of year By taking over Te
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