One man and his firm, went to sow a meadow

Small talk
Flower meadows are not just a nice addition to improve the aesthetics of an office, warehouse or residential development. Nor do they just provide vital support for the local natural environment. They are also cost-effective and can add monetary value to the project, as Karol Podyma, the owner of urban meadow developer Łąki Kwietne, explains...
Who are your flower meadows for and why are they better than normal lawns? Karol Podyma, the owner of urban meadow developer Łąki Kwietne: Flower meadows are much better than lawns in a number of ways. Let’s start with their environmental impact, which for us is the most important advantage. A grass monoculture is a very poor environment for a variety of species and could even be called an ecological desert. When you then take into account the invasive measures required to look after it – including toxic chemicals, such as artificial fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides, as well as the vast amounts of water and exhaust fumes from the lawnmowers – it becomes clear that lawns and nature have very little in common. And all these measures and chemicals come at a very high cost. Looking after a meadow only requires occasional mowing, once or twice a year. In this way, we are not only taking care of the environment by recreating an ecosystem, but also generating real
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