A very raw new deal

Polski Ład – the new Polish Deal (the latest raft of tax reforms) – is already making it more difficult for smaller real estate investors to operate, while the work on the regulations that are to govern FINNs (the Polish equivalent of REITs) remains frozen. Is this the end of investment leasing in Poland?
It’s a truth almost universally acknowledged that buying real estate is a safe way to invest funds over the long-term with the additional benefit that it can also provide a monthly income from the leasing of the property. The Polish government is currently preparing and introducing further changes aimed at regulating the real estate market. The lawmakers argue they need to slow down the accelerating housing price rises that have been seen year on year. The Polski Ład legislation has already introduced preliminary changes to discourage investment in the real estate market, including preventing companies from writing off depreciation costs against tax when they collect rental income as part of their business operations. Additionally, from 2023 the only possible way to tax private rental income will be a linear tax on recorded income, which will make it impossible to write off any rental costs, such as those involved in renovations, furnishings, mortgages, depreciation and insuranc
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