Oh, the joys of summer

It’s true that both the weather and inflation are heating things up, but at least there’s peace in Europe, Polish politicians don’t go for bike rides after boozing, women’s reproductive rights are safeguarded, and no one has been discriminated against for their sexual orientation for a long time. Right? But before I really get going and allow this list to grow (and there are a lot of issues forming a nice disorderly queue), let’s focus on the most pressing, hot topic of the day
Spatial planning might seem rather a difficult task to pull off – after all, you not only have to keep the locals happy, stay within the budget, and take into account the opinions of architects and ecologists, you also have to think about the use the site is actually going to be put to. But a single week doesn’t go by without news of some local authority that has managed to ignore not just one but all of those considerations, by happily pouring concrete all over their most important public places. And what’s their attitude towards green areas? Well, the tall grass hides ticks that transmit Lyme disease, in the trees there are chirruping birds (what a ghastly noise), while pollinators lurk on flowers drinking their fill of nectar before stinging our innocent children as they play. If we need shade, we can always stay at home – and ‘the beautiful Polish summer’ is just a myth anyway, so there’s no need to hide from the sun. All you need is a litt
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