The magic of values

The president of the board of 7R, Tomasz Lubowiecki, in an exclusive interview reveals what happened backstage of recent portfolio transactions and describes of the new realities of the warehouse market, while announcing that the company’s current portfolio will soon be fully zero-emission and triple its current size
Tomasz Cudowski, Eurobuild CEE: What does your most recent portfolio sale, of 13 warehouse centres at different stages of development to CTP, tell us about the state of the market? Tomasz Lubowiecki, chairman of the board, 7R: Without a doubt it confirms its strength and stability as well as its potential. The sale was completed at the end of April, which was already after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine; and the sale, which was a long process, went through without any major complications. We look at the development of 7R from a long-term perspective, implementing the strategy of increasing the value of the company itself and its products, which benefits investors, tenants, local communities and our employees. But hasn’t the pandemic had a huge impact on the transaction market? The pandemic has had – and is still having – a profound impact on society around the world, and many companies are facing challenges they have never previously had to contend with. Th
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