A sustainable point of view

According to the UNFCCC annual report for 2021, there was 246 mln sqm of buildings worldwide in 2020. Five years earlier, the figure was 9.8 pct less. At the same time, CO2 emissions from buildings shrank by 17.2 pct and energy consumption by 5.7 pct. as the volume of real estate grows, it is not being accompanied by a greater environmental impact. This is the result of increased ESG awareness. corporate activities in this area are now focused on streamlining the consumption of utilities, but comprehensive, long-term strategies are of key importance
Discussion about ESG in the real estate sector should start from narrowing down this very broad category. It comprises a vast number of elements, including, for instance, the circular economy, addressing social inequalities, and the protection of the environment and natural resources. In real estate, the scope of activities is somewhat limited, but it is vital for the efforts aimed at achieving climate neutrality. This is because buildings have a measurable effect on the environment and their occupants. According to Eurostat, the construction industry accounts for – indirectly or directly (and mainly during occupation of buildings) – app. 40 pct of all energy produced. Moreover, it generates more than 0.8 bln tonnes of waste, i.e. 36 pct of all waste per year. This is why it is so important to understand ESG in real estate, which I define as a set of procedures, measures and rules that are to be the basis for the proper and long-term functioning of the building in a way tha
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