Time to show what we can do

Small talk
Łukasz Mazurczak, the managing director of MVGM, tells us about the evolving role of the property manager in the new reality – and how the PRS market in Poland is becoming increasingly attractive, not just to investors but to managers too
The beginning of the year is a busy time for property management firms. Has this been the case for MVGM? Łukasz Mazurczak, managing director, MVGM: Definitely. The beginning of the year has brought us new management mandates and a broadening of our relationships with existing clients. In particular, we are happy to have received contracts from the logistics sector and PRS. For example, we’ve signed a contract with a residential developer that is launching on the rental apartment market. We are to be responsible for advising on the finishing and fitting out as well as the building’s commercialisation. For another client we have completed a full technical, functional and commercial analysis for a PRS property. Moreover, many of our clients are expanding their collaboration with MVGM and entrusting us with more projects. One excellent example is our work with Savills Investment Management, for whom we manage the Gdański Business Center office complex in Warsaw. The company
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