A spring in investors’ steps

Stock market report
The feeling that inflation has peaked and that the financial banking crisis is now behind us has encouraged share investors to buy. Furthermore, the mood among Polish constructors and developers has been good – for the former, this has been due to the sector’s good prospects, while for the latter it is because of the revival of the mortgage market and governmental measures to support credit-based home purchases
Following the travails of the banking sector in early March, investors were soon able to get over their fears of another financial crisis and concentrate on such good news as the steady growth on the main stock market indices across the world, which persisted into early April. Although there were signs of a correction at the beginning of the month, investors clearly judged (as did economists) that the most threatening global inflation worries had passed. Hope has arisen that the tightened fiscal policy cycle is coming to an end and that in the longer term interest rates will be lowered. And while financial institutions have downgraded their global economic growth forecasts, such corrections are now minimal – and their predictions for inflation are that it will be lower than last year. For the Polish stock market, the last few weeks have been very good. The main indices rose, but the scale of this growth was surpassed by the sector indices. The residential development sector, whi
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