Not just a business mixer

I have to admit, with a soupçon of regret, that I never made it as a chef. My presence in the kitchen at home is rather sporadic and usually only happens by chance. If, in a moment of madness, I decide to make a salad, any guests would probably find a piece of my finger in the middle of it. However, I am peerless when it comes to liquidising and freezing strawberries. And the season for doing this has just begun!
As I liquidise another batch of fruit, I can reveal that strawberries are one of the tastes from my childhood that have not changed. Unlike, for example, the modern tomato, with its plastic consistency and papery taste: how is this supposed to remind you of a sweet-smelling bulbous fruit, still warm from the sun and freshly plucked from the bush? Who wants horseradish on a filet of fish that doesn’t cause tears to stream out just by looking at it? Or garlic that doesn’t prompt the entire local insect population to leave the area when consumed? The examples of fruit and veg that are today devoid of all taste are endless, but I’m happy that future generations will at least know the taste of a real strawberry, which, when liquidised, sweetened and frozen, disappears from my household at an alarming rate, leaving this one-man fruit pulveriser with hardly enough time to bring in fresh punnets and process their contents. All those eco-sorbets and fruit mixes that hypermarke
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