In praise of buzzing wings

I’ve already poured out my grief in this column about climate change, the private rental market, and offices that only seem to lack a hall of mirrors and a Ferris wheel. This has forced me to confront an uncomfortable truth about myself – despondency and frustration actually inspire me. But I’m not blind. We now have some beautiful weather, and nature – despite our best efforts – is still able to renew itself, giving us some hope for tomorrow (although maybe not for the day after)
Recently, while dipping my feet into a local lake near Poznań, I was wondering how it was possible that summer is upon us once again. That dreary period between October and April always seems to last forever, when the scrawny clumps of grass struggling up between uneven paving stones even seem to laugh in my face. Honestly! At least, that is, until the sudden arrival of the first wave of real, indisputably hot weather. And no, I’m not going to utter a single word about how long it’s been since it last rained. Nor am I going to moan about the time early on Saturday mornings they start mowing the lawns down to matchstick length right in front of my block. Some prefer scorched yellow stubble to abundantly lush greenery – but I honestly don’t care. The first dog walks of the day now take place a little earlier than in the winter, or at least, so I’ve heard – as I don’t have a dog for the reason that I don’t want to get up at the crack of da
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