Alex Hayes, Eurobuild CEE: Could you tell us something about Arcadis?
Jarosław Miziołek, executive director, Arcadis: The company has seven offices in Poland with 400 employees. We are involved in three fields – and the first of these is ‘places’. This means creating, supporting and improving intelligent, safe and sustainable places where people can live work, learn and develop. The second area is ‘mobility’, which covers everything related to transport. While the third area is ‘resilience’, which is focused on protecting the natural environment and water resources as well as creating cities that are climate change resistant. We’ve been active in Poland for 26 years. Arcadis started off in Poland in the area of environmental protection and we’ve been gradually building up our presence through takeovers. To start with, we bought a company engaged in environmental protection and then we branched out into other fields. The last big