Reviving fortunes

The Expert Eye
The Warsaw office market is seeing signs of renewed development activity. Three new office buildings were delivered in H1 2023, but a significant increase in new supply is not expected until 2025
According to Savills’ latest report, Warsaw’s office stock reached 6.25 mln sqm in the first half of 2023, with the total eventually becoming evenly distributed between the central zone and non-central locations. The first six months of the year saw three new office completions, the largest being The Park 9 (White Star Real Estate, 11,000 sqm). The development pipeline now comprises close to 250,000 sqm of office space. New starts in 2023 included the first phase of the Towarowa 22 mixed-use complex (Echo Investment, 31,100 sqm) and The Form (Lincoln Property, 28,000 sqm). Coming up soon Projects scheduled for delivery beyond 2023 include The Bridge (Ghelamco, 45,000 sqm), the next phase of Studio (Skanska Property Poland, 24,000 sqm) and Upper One (Strabag Real Estate, 35,900 sqm), which will replace Atrium International, whose demolition is nearing completion. The renewed development activity is likely to result in more than 300,000 sqm of new office rental stock com
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