Flying high overhead

Probably all of you have marvelled at bird’s-eye view photographs and films. It was once the case that to achieve such stunning footage, you had to be a TV cameraman or at least happen to have a pilot as an uncle.
Today, we can shoot breath-taking videos ourselves, just by investing in a drone with a camera. There are even gadgets you can now buy for less than PLN 100 that will allow you to record HD video from up in the air. However, it should be pointed out that the usefulness of such toys in the outdoors has its limitations. A friend of mine found this out when he decided to use a drone that had been given to his son to take an aerial view of his new house, so he could show it off to his distant family. The day was just a little bit windy, but that was enough for the aircraft in question to completely ignore any movements of the joystick. And so, as soon as it took off it refused to head in any other direction than south, downwind. Every subsequent take-off attempt resulted in an emergency landing in a neighbour’s garden or, when the wind started blowing even harder, in a garden in the next district. The recording session would have ended in abject failure, had it not been for the fact
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