Waiting for the dust to settle

Small talk
Bartosz Prytuła, the Poland managing partner of White Star Real Estate, explains why office parks are still a very modern solution to the needs of the market and how his love of sport drew him into real estate
After beginning your most recent office project, The Park Kraków, you’re now planning another despite the unfavourable market conditions. How much belief do you have in this project? Bartosz Prytuła, Poland managing partner, White Star Real Estate: Of course we believe in it – and that’s not just blind faith. The first two buildings of the park have been completed and almost leased out. So we can say that the concept of The Park works. The situation on the market is not ideal and we’re all suffering from the rising finance and construction costs as well as high interest rates, but we believe in quality. In difficult times, not every office project is going to succeed, but those designed to ESG standards will do so. But hasn’t the office park concept perhaps become a little old-fashioned? I would say that it’s going through a second youth thanks to the 15-minute city trend. Such parks are normally built outside city centres, but they meet ma
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