Postcards from home

You may or may not know this, but the inhabitants of my adopted city of Poznań have had a lot to put up with recently. Our vision of the city has become increasingly blighted in recent years by never-ending roadworks and renovation projects. But promises made by the local authorities that they will soon be finished are rarely reflected in reality
News that someone has fallen down a manhole in the dark (even when sober) on ul. Św. Marcin or got stuck in the mud on the Old Town Square no longer makes it to the front pages and local news portals don’t even bother any more to highlight such stories as ‘breaking news’. After all, only survivalists – or tourists – now dare to go for an evening walk without a torch. Pubs are closing down because there’s simply no way of getting to them. Meanwhile, the photos on postcards enticing people to come and visit the city have been skilfully photoshopped. Believe me, as the locals say, it’s become a bit of a dump around here. It should therefore come as no surprise that an internet campaign has been launched in protest at the situation. The Rozkopane campaign started last year with postcards featuring the landmarks of the city, such as its old townhouses and the Okrąglak building but surrounded by cranes and piles of sand and even flying saucers. Th
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