Waiting to charge up

Developers want to build projects that have their own sources of green energy, but Poland still has relatively few of these completed or in the pipeline
Solar power installations are now popping up everywhere across Poland. The intensive rate of solar power development is to some extent being driven by the government’s ‘My Electricity’ programme; but unfortunately, investors still face a series of barriers on the road to low emissions and implementing green solutions, and, as a result, there is still only a small number of commercial high-power installations. The main problems include the lack of provision for these in local spatial plans, over-complicated legal regulations, the inability to connect to overloaded power grids, and the still prohibitively high cost of the technology. Confused regulations The first problem investors face is the lack of local spatial plans (MPZP). “Until 2010, the situation was simple, but changes to the zoning laws later on started making it more complicated for energy producers and businesses to build large-scale solar power installations. It could be said that the legislatio
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