Tut, tut, tut, I can hear my Polish readers say. No Pole would confuse the Sabbath for Sunday, since the word for Saturday in Polish is derived from the word for the Sabbath. Only us foolish Anglo-Saxons who still celebrate pagan gods in the names of our weekdays would make such a blunder. But indeed, many of us do and we seem to believe that it is Sunday that God commanded us to keep holy. In the US, there is clearly much less confusion, because for them the new week does not start on Monday (the day on which us Anglo-Saxon pagans should be prostrating ourselves in honour of the moon), but on the previous day. Since their fairly large Jewish population has, over a period far longer than 2.000 years, mastered the art of keeping count, they know that the seventh day is never going to suddenly become the sixth.
I don’t wish to cause offence, so for the record I should state that although I was brought up as a Catholic, all faith has deserted me and I now consider myself an atheist