Future-proof quality

Magdalena Szulc of Segro tells us about the company’s plans and shares her opinions on how new technology and ESG have been impacting the warehouse and logistics sector – as well as the importance of competition
Tomasz Cudowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: Let’s start with your company’s latest purchase. What are you going to build on the several hectares purchased in Warsaw’s Bielany district? I’ve heard there’s even been talk of a data centre. Magdalena Szulc, the managing director of Segro, Poland and the Czech Republic: To begin with, let’s start with the fact that our plot lies within the city limits, which also means that a lot more work is required to prepare the project. Currently, we are at the stage of finalising the environmental decision and dealing with the communications and the infrastructure – and that’s probably going to take us a few more months. We are planning to build an urban warehouse centre, but we’re also in negotiations with companies that specialise in data centres. They’ve been showing a lot of interest in this location, so we hope that they are going to join the list of our customers. Aren’t b
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