The kids are alright… I think

My baby sister is buying herself a house. (Maybe I should stop calling her that because she’s now 34, but I’m still 20 years her senior.) I think she’s crazy because she’s going to live out in the sticks with her baby, but neither she nor her husband have a driving licence
However, I will also admit that she has proven herself to be far more sensible than I ever was and I don’t really know her precise situation. I have to accept that for whatever incomprehensible reason she has decided to go and live in the middle of nowhere – that it was a rational choice and makes sense to her. Indeed, this is one of the basic tenets of economics: people make rational choices. Admittedly, this is not a universal law and at best seems just to be a rule of thumb, since economists are actually intrigued by those circumstances where people consistently take irrational actions against their own better interest. But for the sake of argument, can we just accept that people are rational? Please? Anyway, despite being of a much younger generation than myself, my sister shows every desire to get her foot on the property ladder. And she’s not the only young person I know who’s looking to buy their first property. Despite all we hear about Generation Z &nd
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