Break-ups and comebacks

Many years ago, I wrote a poem in which I turned to my father and said: ‘I so very much fear / breaking up and returning’. These words are now more relevant than ever. Eurobuild’s editorial team has just broken up with Tomasz Cudowski, who had been its chief editor for many years. I, on the other hand, am returning to work in a new role after a year’s break

Summer is normally considered the ‘Silly Season’ – and not just for the media. In real estate, not a lot tends to happen, but this doesn’t mean that all market players are sunning themselves on the beach. Many developers have chosen the summer to launch new projects, such as Murapol, which has added the Murapol Rivo estate in Bydgoszcz to its sales processes. Then there’s Alstal and Marvipol, who also haven’t been idle and are developing the Nowe Żerniki To Kosmos estate as part of the WuWA2 project in Wrocław. Investors have also been quite active. Roomies has purchased a portfolio of student residences from 6B47 Real Estate Investors.Tewox, which is managed by Lords LB Asset Management, has invested in two retail parks in Łódź and Radom, while the Fio Real Estate Fund has become the new owner of the Garbe Park Chomutov industrial park, and the Alma office building on ul. Marynarska in Warsaw has also changed hands. The media and not just the property press turned its attention to the spire of the tower of Olszynki Park in Rzeszów. This is now the tallest residential building in Poland, knocking Sky Tower in Wrocław off the top spot. I was actuallypassing through Rzeszów soon after its crowning and saw for myself that the tower can be seen from virtually every point in the city. It really is impressive – but probably wouldn’t be in Warsaw, as it would be surrounded by other skyscrapers. Nonetheless, I hope most of you have been having a lazy summer so you can all return to work with renewed strength – as we journalists will too.

I am already rubbing my fingers, ready to get down to some more writing, whether that’s with a biro making notes at conferences (I never could take notes on a laptop, just as I can’t read an e-book – I need the feel of the paper), or on a keyboard at the office or at home, where I’m writing just now. I’m also catching up with my knowledge, because I can’t say that I’ve spent a lot of time keeping an eye on the market. Right now, while I still can, I’m spending time with my daughters. (My oldest child is just about to start school and my youngest will start kindergarten.) So, I know it’s not going to be easy.

And there have also been a lot of changes at Eurobuild. In the middle of July, the news broke that Tomek Cudowski was leaving the paper – which induced by shock, disbelief and then despair (“Are you serious, Tomek?!?). Our now departed colleague summed it up[ perfectly: “The end of the era of miracles [in Polish: cudów].” Yes, indeed! But we haven’t shut up shop in despair, as we are already preparing for the next issue, even though the editorial team is still heartbroken– at least I certainly am. Anyone who knows Tomek would absolutely agree that he’s such a supportive and professional journalist that he will be hard to replace. And we won’t even try, because there is only one Tomek.. It was he who took the helm during the pandemic when Ewa Andrzejewska left, who had led Eurobuild for many years. It wasn’t easy, as Ewa had set a very high bar. She was an excellent boss who knew the real estate market thoroughly. Tomek, however, had the ability to fill her shoes. The best editorial team in the world again had the best possible captain. So many issues published, including those during the pandemic, as well as so many stories up on our site, so many conversations held behind computer monitors, so many laughs and jokes... but now the tiller is in the hands of someone else.

Or rather, I should say two people. After the shock news that Tomek was leaving, there came yet another bombshell. I was offered to co-lead our esteemed publication together with Nathan North (who greets you in his introduction to this issue). It’s always a challenge to return to work after maternity leave and now I’ll be doing so with a promotion and more responsibilities. I still can’t quite believe that I’ve agreed to this, mainly because I’ve had such a long break from work and at home I’ve got a one-year-old baby in a cot. Nonetheless, I’m determined to continue Tomek’s great work. And we’re going to do it, aren’t we Nathan? Am I anxious? Well, yes. But it’s the fear that motivates you, that puts the wind in your sails and gives you strength. Tomek – keep your fingers crossed for us!
