Fewer footprints in the forest

Modern offices, warehouses and apartment blocks are springing up all around us. Buildings, however, are responsible for around 40 pct of global carbon dioxide emissions – and for them to be more eco-friendly, new trees and forests have to be planted to redress this
The rea l estate sector has been working on reducing its carbon footprint. The multiple approaches it is employing include the use of renewable energy sources, low-emission construction materials and CCS (carbon capture storage), which is a system of separating carbon dioxide from materials and using it in natural processes that are far slower in releasing it than burning fossil fuels and producing billions of tonnes of concrete. Planting trees is itself no panacea for the emissions due to constructing buildings and using them. Obviously, trees and forests store up the carbon from CO2, but their influence on our surroundings go far further. They improve water retention, they help reduce temperatures, they filter the air, they reduce noise, and they provide a haven for biodiversity. Nor do you always have to plant trees – it’s enough to conserve the forests that already exist. No end of forest In Poland, companies can do this by working with such organisations as Fundacja
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