A quality partner

Small talk
Jeremy Cordery, COO and co-founder, MDC2
MDC2 has been active on the Polish warehouse and industrial market for almost five years now and you are one of its founders. How much has it grown since then? We started this company back in 2021, and as a founding partner I’ve been delighted to see how our team has grown and adapted to the unusual challenges of the past few years – post-Covid, inflation, interest rates and the war would have sunk most companies. Resilience is a key factor in our growth story and this is down to every single person at MDC2. We currently only have about 20 people, yet we are looking at some new hires as we grow our business towards a 10 pct market share. Our growth story is still unfolding and we are all incredibly excited about the potential of not only MDC2, but of the Polish logistics and warehousing market in general. The next decade will bring growth and opportunity, and as the company that has helped move the ESG agenda in Poland, MDC2 will be a major part of the next chapter. And y
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